Gr6 Basic Facts

ESSENTIAL LEARNING OUTCOME: Understand, recall, apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties in order to understand and recall basic multiplication facts (multiplication tables) and related division facts (Math K-9 Program of Studies updated June 2016)

PERSONAL GOAL: Complete 125 basic facts (+,-,X, divide) in about 5 minutes  (timed or not timed) by May2023.


Basic fact pages created by MsT:

'NORMAL' SERIES = missing ANSWER (example: 5 x 4 = ___) 

'A SERIES' = missing number in the FIRST column (example: ___ x 4 = 20)

'B SERIES' = missing number in the SECOND column (example: 5 x ___ = 20)



X12 blank copy

X12 answer

X12 progression (recalling multiplication & related division facts from grades 3 to 6 as listed in Math Program of Studies c2007 updated June c2014)


'C' SERIES = 13, 14, 15, 16 times tables

Well done! You have achieved this level; email Ms. Tiessen and ask her to provide you with this practice!

Feedback from previous students have said that knowing these 'higher number' times tables would help them with grade 9 math.